10 Ways to Create a Great Advert

It’s easy to spot a great advert. A great advert gets the message across in a simple, easy-to-process kind of way that entertains and amuses at the same time. It’s a big idea advert that leaves the viewer knowing more...

AdvertisingIt’s easy to spot a great advert. A great advert gets the message across in a simple, easy-to-process kind of way that entertains and amuses at the same time. It’s a big idea advert that leaves the viewer knowing more about your product, and more importantly, stays with the viewer long after the advert has been viewed.

A bad advert simply doesn’t do any of the above. It’s the advert you page past to get to the stuff you really want to see.

Below are 10 things for you to keep in mind while designing your next advertisement. And remember, the true test is always in your own customer’s response to your advertising…

    1. Borders scream ‘READ ME’ — coupon style dashed or straight line borders around your ads will increase readership.
    2. Get a little curvy — keep the text aligned if necessary, but try get the border to be designed in a circle — in a square and rectangular world, yours will definitely stand out.
    3. Black on white, and not the other way around. You see it all the time — copy-heavy text with white text on a black background: this is proven worldwide to decrease readership on text heavy marketing by 50% and more.
    4. Make your headings stand out — blue and then red are the most powerful — and the most profit pulling.
    5. White background with black text always pulls best response — second choice is yellow background with black text.
    6. A font of wisdom — Verdana or Arial are most widely received for body copy — Tahoma for headlines and subheads.
  1. Use what you have — Times New Roman and Courier New for body copy have been researched to deliver the best results.
  2. Punctuation is everything, ALL CAPS DOES NOT WORK rather use initial caps (first letter of each word in caps). Also test in heads and subs using only a capital on the very first letter — the rest all in lower case.
    Initial Caps: If I Wanted To Write A Sentence
    Regular: If I wanted to write a sentence
  3. Keep those columns in check — both online and off. It makes for easier reading and lessens the chance of getting lost in the text.
  4. The 11 point font size receives the most favourable readership and action in the USA.

Again, everything above needs to be tested with your product or service in your market. It is important to note that each consumer group has their nuances; however, the aforementioned guidelines will help you to tap into the consumer mindset and produce a more memorable ad.

Resource: Wetpaint Advertising 


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