- 30Oct
How to get your Facebook Vanity or Custom URL
I often come across businesses that have a Facebook Page but still no Custom or Vanity URL. A Vanity URL is a link that points to a website or internet address, it is usually short and easy to find and remember,…
30OctHow to get your new Google+ Custom URL
Google recently started rolling out its new Google+ Custom URLs. What is a URL? The acronym stands for Uniform Resource Locator which really just means your Internet Address. You would have noticed that most of the Social media sites have what…
21JanHitting Barn Doors with Elephants – Are your Facebook Posts Making an Impact?
The most obvious goal of a Facebook business page is to drive up the profit margins of the company. Along the way posts can foster loyalty, build the brand, increase market share, inform and entertain. Originally Facebook began as a…