I often come across businesses that have a Facebook Page but still no Custom or Vanity URL. A Vanity URL is a link that points to a website or internet address, it is usually short and easy to find and remember, it also makes for better promoting of your Social Media Profile or internet address. What this really means for your business is that if someone has heard about your company and is looking for your Facebook Page, without a Custom URL it makes finding you a lot harder. We all want to be found easily don’t we?
The acronym URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator which really just means your Internet Address.
To start then if your Facebook URL or address still looks like this https://www.facebook.com/pages/YourFacebookPageName/280497825307270?fref=ts. you need to change it to look more like this https://www.facebook.com/TheMarketingC
You can change your Facebook URL by following these easy steps:
You will need to be a Facebook Administrator to be able to do this.
Go to your Facebook Business Page, at the Top click on Edit Page, Edit Settings.
This will open up a new page. Make sure the top tab is set on Page Info. Find Page Address, click on Edit and change your URL.
You can also change your URL at this address https://www.facebook.com/username
If you have more than one Page select your Page, type in your preferred URL or Username and Check Availability.
A pop-up will appear with some things to bear in mind. Confirm and Bob is your uncle!
As simple as that!
Related Article: How to get your new Google+ Custom URL
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